Maurice Rosen – Victim of a Motor Accident

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The inscription on Maurice Rosen’s headstone says, “Victim of a Motor Accident”. This stark statement is explained in the following report from the inquest:

Leicester Mercury Wednesday Aug 3 1927
Road Danger Sign Inadequate – Jury’s opinion at Inquest on Leicester Motor Cyclist

Crash Into Bridge

That a danger sign on the Scalford Road, near Melton Mowbray, was inadequate and in the wrong position, was the opinion expressed by the jury at the inquest at Scalford last night on Maurice Rosen, 32, Midland Street Leicester, who was killed while motor-cycling on the way to Skegness on Sunday night.
Rosen took the wrong turning up Scalford Road, and ran into the buttress of a bridge.
The Deputy-Coroner (Mr. H. K. Barker) was requested to bring the matter to the notice of the proper authorities.
Henry Chas. Weetman of 135, Humberstone Road, Leicester, who was riding on the pillion of the motor-cycle, said that they left Leicester at about 11.30 on Sunday night for Skegness.

Missed a turn

They missed a turn in Melton, and turned up the Scalford Road. When they reached the top of the hill they were going at a moderate pace. Rosen shut his engine off, and they slowed down going down the hill.
Witness thought he felt the back brake being applied. When they reached the bottom of the hill Rosen suddenly shouted “We are going over,” and witness dropped his feet on to the ground and the cycle shot from under him.
He got up and dragged Rosen from under the cycle. The lamp had gone out, and the night was pitch dark, but he felt blood running on to his hand. He thought Rosen was nearly dead then. He climbed the bank and roused the stationmaster.
In reply to the Coroner, witness said that he had been with Rosen since 2 p.m. on Sunday, and they had had no intoxicating drink.


Philip Rosen, 32, Midland Street, Leicester, said that his son was 19 years of age. He had not seen his son since Saturday morning, when witness and his wife left for Skegness.
He was not expecting his son to ride to Skegness, as he did not even know that the cycle, which had been to be overhauled, had been returned.
His son had been riding for about four years.
The Coroner said the facts were only too plain. Rosen took the wrong turn in the neighbourhood of Melton, turned up the Scalford Road, with which he appeared to have been quite unfamiliar, and came into collision with the bridge.
A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.