JCR-UK – Jewish Communities and Records

Jewish Gilroes is now affiliated to JCR-UK, whose aim is to record details of all Jewish communities and congregations that have ever existed in the United Kingdom, as well as in the Republic of Ireland and Gibraltar, in order to preserve the information for posterity. Currently their website contains some 5,000 pages including details of more than 1,200 Jewish congregations.

Their aim is to gain the help of existing Jewish communities to expand the details of the various communities and congregations (whether Ashkanazi or Sephardi, Ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, Masorti, Reform or Liberal), current or no longer in existence. If you can assist by providing community or congregational information and/or genealogical data/lists, or merely correcting or completing certain details of a particular community or congregation, please email their webmaster here.

You can reach their home page here

JCR-UK is a joint project between the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain and JewishGen.

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