
This page contains links to organisations related to Judaism and genealogy.

JCR-UK – Jewish Communities and Records – United Kingdom
The aim of this website is to record details of all Jewish communities and congregations that have ever existed in the United Kingdom, as well as in the Republic of Ireland and Gibraltar, in order to preserve the information for posterity. Currently this website contains some 5,000 pages including details of more than 1,200 Jewish congregations.

Jewish Heritage UK
Caring for the Jewish Community’s historic architecture, synagogues and cemeteries

Jewish Family History
Our free, easy-to-use genealogy website features thousands of databases, research tools, and other resources to help those with Jewish ancestry research and find family members.

Virtual Shtetl
The Virtual Shtetl is the largest local Jewish history database in the world. Through it, many activities, projects and initiatives are inspired and organised which aim to preserve and promote Poland’s multicultural heritage.

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) was formed in 1992 with beginners and experienced researchers joining forces to:
* Help one another to learn and discover more about genealogy
* Encourage genealogical research
* Promote the preservation of Jewish genealogical records and resources
* Share information amongst members The Society is open to all those interested in Jewish genealogy. The scope of our members’ interests covers all Jewish Communities world-wide although, as you would expect, we are the ‘Centre of Excellence’ for UK Jewish Genealogy. Our members are particularly interested in Eastern Europe, from where many of our ancestors can be traced.

Avotaynu, Inc. is the leading publisher of products of interest to persons who are researching Jewish genealogy, Jewish family trees or Jewish roots. The books we sell are meant to assist you in your research—from beginner guides to books about Jewish surnames.

Judaism 101 – Jewish Genealogy
• Jewish genealogy isn’t easy, but it isn’t as hard as you might think
• Many things you “know” about Jewish genealogy aren’t true
• With a systematic approach, you should be able to trace back to your immigrant ancestors or farther

International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies
The International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) is an organization of organizations formed in 1988 to provide a common voice for issues of significance to its members, to advance our genealogical avocation, and to coordinate items such as the annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy.

Louis Kessler’s Jewish Genealogy Links
There are thousands of web pages out there of interest to Jewish Genealogists.
My list below is made up of the pages that I think are of greatest use to the most people. I hope you can find something in this list that will help you in your research.
Permission is granted to reprint or repost any or all of this information for any purpose, as long as full credit is given to: Louis Kessler’s Jewish Genealogy Links at

Google Search for ‘Jewish Genealogy’
This is the link to a Google search for relevant web sites.

General Genealogical Sites
Top 100 Genealogy Sites
Genealogy and the Law
A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Family Tree Online
Military Indexes
Resources for Military Families


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