Suggested lesson plans for Key Stage 2 pupils in basic historical research, maths and statistics.
1. How to draw a family tree
1. How to draw a family tree – powerpoint document (will download on click)
2.How to draw a family tree – pdf document (opens in a new tab/window for download or printing)
3. And a new one from an after-school group:
History at Home: A Guide to Genealogy
4. A resource from a New York group of youngsters:
NYC Genealogy.
5. Another great resource from New York, this one discovered by Amelia in Barbara Lincoln’s beginner genealogy class for 11–14 year olds. It focuses on Ellis Island, in New York harbour, which was the major immigration centre in use between 1892 and 1954. At the end of the article is a comprehensive list of links to genealogy sites.
New York City History: Ellis Island
6. Two new resources from Anita Gianakas, a media specialist up here in Knox County Maine. For the month of October, our library is teaming up with our local Historical Society to host a special ‘Genealogy Research’ workshop. We did this last fall and it was a huge success! The introductory course teaches our members how to find and analyse sources, discover different research strategies, and tackle genealogy databases. They’ll explore the main source types including civil, church, census and military records and learn how to use these different kinds of data. We’ll also be covering DNA testing and teaching them how to create a family tree!
a) Researching Your Family’s History from Ships Passenger Lists
b) House History and Genealogy
2. Understand a Jewish Headstone
Understand a Jewish headstone – pdf document (opens in a new tab/window for download or printing)
3. Design a Headstone
Design a headstone – pdf document (opens in a new tab/window for download or printing)
Thanks to Glen Hills Primary School for allowing us to use work prepared for their Key Stage 2 classes and to Carol Cambers teacher and member of our Project Team for preparing the work.
4. Genealogy Basics
A hubPost Guide. Contains many links.