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ref: 1646
Grave location: A H-2
JACOBS, Samuel
Died Sunday 25th April 1943, aged 51
Nisan, 5703

Additional Information
Born 22 Oct 1891 Poland

21, Albion Hill, Leicester (1911)
7, Wharf St., Leicester (1943)

Marriage: Sarah(Sadie) Kosky, London, 1915

Celia, born 1916
Shirley, born 1923
Eileen, born 1926

Father: David born 1865 Poland
Mother: Fanny born 1871 Poland
Sister: Rachel born 1896 London
Brother: Jack born 1898 London
Brother: Maurice born 1899 London
Brother: Joe born 1901 London
Brother: Benjamin born 1904 Leicester
Brother: Cecil born 1911 Leicester

Occupation : Manufacturing tailor (1939)

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