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ref: 1582
Grave location: A R-5
DOVE, Millie
Died Saturday 3rd January 1925, aged 36
Tevet, 5685

Additional Information
Age at death: 36 (Death Index)
Born 1886, Vilna, Russia (census)
36A, Humberstone Road, Leicester (1891)
56/58 Humberstone Road, Leicester (1901)
33, Evington Street, Leicester (1911)
Jewish Convalescent Home, St Nicholas at Wade, Birchington, Kent (1925)

Father, Samuel Dove, born 1859, died 1902
Mother, Rachel Dove, born 1864, died 1929
Sister, Jane, born 1883, died 1913
Brother, Joshua, born 1885
Sister, Minnie, born 1888
Brother, Maurice/Morris, born 1892
Grandfather (M), Samuel Thomas
Grandmother (M), Blumah Thomas

"Stone erected by the Jewish Societies Convalescent Home in honour of its beloved matron 1921 - 1925"
See 'Millie Dove – Matron of the First British Jewish Convalescent Home' via the Stories tab.

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