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ref: 1379
Grave location: A SS-6
Died Wednesday 15th March 1967, aged 80
Adar, 5727

Additional Information
Age at death: 80
Born 1887, Bristol
Marriage: Mary Ellen/Miriam Wilson, Leicester, 1920

Father: Hyman Felstein, born 1859, Rilgrod, Russia Poland
Mother: Annie Felstein, born 1860, Rilgrod, Russia Poland
Sister: Leah born 1881 Rilgrod, Russia Poland
Brother: Louis Felstein, born 1889 Bristol
Sister: Sarah Rebecca, born 1892 Leicester
Sister: Deborah Dora, born 1897 Leicester, died 1908

Address: 15, Tower St, Leicester (1911-1920)

Probate records show Leon Felstein also known as George Leon Baker.

Further Information

Awaiting photograph of headstone.

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