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ref: 1376
Grave location: A OO-6
Died Sunday 15th January 1967, aged 69
shebat, 5727

Additional Information
Age at death: 69

Born 18 Jan 1897

Parents: Mendel/Max and Rose Kukla, both born Russia
Eva, born 1893 Russia
Beatrice, born 1894 Russia
Frances, born 1895 Russia
Barnett, born 1899 Whitechapel
Isidore, born 1902 Shoreditch
Leah, born 1903 Shoreditch
Clara, born 1905 Dalston
Kathleen, born 1910 Shoreditch

Marriage: Yetty Stone, 1922, Cardiff

Marie, born 1923 Liverpool
Preeva, born 1925 Liverpool
Zena, born 1927 Birkenhead
Ida, born 1930 Birkenhead
Ann Rosalie, born 1935 Birkenhead

66, Devon St., Liverpool (1911)
156, Islington, Liverpool (1917)
139, Narborough Rd., Leicester (1939)

Further Information
See in the Stories tab
John Cooklin – The cabinet maker who played football for England
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