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ref: 1355
Grave location: A KK-5
MARKS, Benjamin
Died Thursday 23rd September 1971, aged 77
Tishrei, 5732

Additional Information
Born 23 Jan 1894 Paddington
Parents: Isaac and Alice Marks
Marriage: Gladys Parr 1926 Leicester
Address: 80, Stoughton St., Leicester (1911)
Benjamin had two daughters Elizabeth (Betty) who died in 1975 and is also buried at Gilroes and Beryl now deceased. Beryl emigrated to Texas, USA as a GI Bride in 1940s. 

Betty married Barnet (Barney) Cemmell (who is also interred at Gilroes). They had three sons: John, David and Gerald. had four daughters: Twins, Elizabeth and Cheryl (now both deceased), followed by Michelle Billeiter (now Michelle Hoeffs) of Texas, USA and Rachel Billeiter (now Rachel Tarin) of Pecos Texas, USA.

Further Information
A full account of Ben Marks' 1st World War bravery and medals awarded can be found on the Stories tab.
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